Online Ordering is ready now!

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Hello Friends! We’ve been working away behind the scenes to make online ordering and payment available to you, and we’re finally ready to launch. Starting now you can place your order online for an ASAP or scheduled delivery or pickup. Payments may be made online, or if you prefer you can pay in-person at time of pickup.

Visit to check it out!

And finally, thank-you for your patience. This is a brand new system and there may be some unexpected bumps. We’ll do our absolute best to work through them and keep getting better.

Supporting the Calgary Grey Cup Committee

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Since 1948 the Calgary Grey Cup Committee has been showcasing Western Hospitality and promoting the Spirit of Calgary at each and every Grey Cup Festival. While the “horse in the hotel” is one of the more eye-catching events, it’s their other activities that have the biggest impact.

Each year thousands of fans are treated to a western-style breakfast complete with a live country band (High Steppin’ Daddy) and their mascot Charlie Horse. On top of that, the Committee will arrange a private event at a local school. It’s the full package - white hats, clowns, and musical entertainment. And when it’s done the Committee will leave a donation to go towards the school’s specific needs.

The Calgary Grey Cup Committee is a 100% volunteer organization and relies on sponsorships and donations to fund these activities. All fundraising goes towards keeping the committee running and to the events themselves - committee members are not compensated and their costs are not subsidized.

For the past number of years Village Brewery has been a sponsor, and now to complement that partnership Pelican Pier is pleased to add Village Blonde to our menu. For every bottle of Blonde added to a food purchase, Pelican Pier will donate the proceeds to the Calgary Grey Cup Committee.

We are now open for dine-in service!

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We’re following provincial guidance and have re-opened our dining room at 50% capacity. Reservations are not required but are encouraged for evening dining. Call 403.289.6100 and save your spot for the best fish & chips in town!

Rest assured, the health & safety of our customers and staff is our highest priority, and that’s why we’re committed to:

• Frequent cleaning & disinfecting of hard surfaces and high traffic areas

• Providing access to hand washing and sanitizer when entering and leaving the restaurant

• Helping our customers maintain physical distancing of 2 m

• Having our staff wear face masks and gloves, where possible

• Ensuring our staff to stay home and away from others if sick

Make Mother's Day Special...

We all know that there’s a lot we can’t do right now, but that shouldn’t mean we let the special moments pass. Growing up in my house food was always love, and that’s something I think we can all embrace. This Mother’s Day celebrate the Mom in your life with a surf ‘n’ turf meal kit from our market and go a little bit extra for her, for all the extras she’s done for you.

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